Fastanet Vehicle Tracking

We offer the latest technology in GPS tracking solution; this involves the tracker itself and the tracking software, Fastatrackers. With the accuracy of GPS tracking to few meters you can be sure of the location of your vehicle at any point in time. Our internet based tracking software will give you web based real time location of your vehicles.

This will help you as business owner to experience dramatic increase in your bottom line profits. Fastanet GPS solution arms you with a ready tool for measuring the strength and weakness of your vehicles and drivers. It also enable you use that information to empower and motivate your employees to raise the bar on productivity.

Our GPS trackers through the GPRS data messages it sends to Fastatrackers software alerts you when your car ignition starts or stops, stray from normal delivery routes, or simply sit parked when they should be back on the road.

With real time Fastatrackers features, countless hours and unnecessary fuel expenditures will be avoided by having the information you need at your fingertips.

You will understand that drivers are less likely to waste time when they know that their performance is being tracked online real time. They are equally less likely to put company property at risk through aggressive and reckless driving, including speeding, when they know that you could be watching. This system gives you and your transport manager less stress and good tool to measure the performance of company drivers

With Fastanet GPS vehicle tracking systems, access to detailed vehicle driving history of your drivers is at your finger tips.

Now it is entirely up to you to decide but note the question is not how can you afford to add a vehicle tracking system to your fleet, but the question is how can you afford not to?.

Contact us now for expert advice at 234-7052507096, 234-1-7025279031

Fastatrackers Fleet Management

It is a well know fact that our ability to measure what we manage is a vital criteria in measuring our management capability. Our fleet management system will easily enable you monitor, measure and correct drivers excesses while on duty.

Let us help bring up some key issues to consider when deciding the GPS car tracking system to use.

  1. How many vehicles in your fleet will you be tracking?
  2. Over what distance will your vehicles typically travel?
  3. How long do your vehicles spend on the road before returning to their base?
  4. Do you suspect your drivers use company vehicles for other activities than official assignments?
  5. Would you like to get a better understanding of who your best and worst performing drivers are?
  6. Do you think your business would benefit by drivers being openly accountable for their performance?

These are just a few of the questions that you should consider when choosing a GPS Car Tracking System.

Transport managers find it a daunting task keeping track of company drivers. With an instrument such as fleet tracking GPS solution you have a complete update into how your drivers are utilizing company assets. Inefficiencies, less than optimal operations and waste comes in many forms, and GPSfastrack fleet tracking software can give you clear facts to use when addressing them, among which are:

  1. Excessive delay and Idle Times
  2. Poor driver routing
  3. Over speeding and unsafe driving Practices
  4. Personal or unauthorized vehicle use
  5. False or exaggerated time sheets
  6. Late workday starts / excessive lunch breaks
  7. Theft of company assets
  8. Stealing of petrol or diesel
  9. Liability risks
  10. Unnecessary packing and stopping on a journey
  11. Diversion from officially assigned route
  12. Keeping engine idle for a long time